Bob Beddow

Stand-up Comedian

About Bob Beddow

Since hitting the live comedy scene in 1996, Bob Beddow has been wowing audiences with homespun humour.. His story telling style, and easy going nature bring people into Bobs’ world. From Birth to Death, and everything in between, Bob will show you the real circle of life. Like Bob says, ‘if it hasn’t happened to you’ it will! Bob has the ability to take real life, yank its’ pants down, and point and laugh.

If you want a comic that can tear into an audience;
If you want your guests heckled and ridiculed;
If you just can’t get enough swear words in one night;
Sorry, wrong comic.

Due to his inoffensive nature, and his hilarious tales, clubs and corporate clients repeatedly book Bob for functions. Bob is in demand for everything from fundraisers to festivals.

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